What is Peri-Implantitis?
Dental implants for tooth replacement are often associated with a feeling of relief, a new-found confidence and renewal with a beautiful, healthy smile. While dental implants have a 95 percent success rate, there are some precautions to take to ensure a long-lasting, successful placement. One of the most dangerous conditions to watch out for with dental implants is peri-implantitis, a severe infection around an implant.
Schedule Your ConsultationThe Importance of Treatment
Inflammation, redness, swelling, bleeding and pus are all warning signs that your implants may be at risk. Peri-implantitis is a disease that affects the gums and bone, which may lead to bone degradation. Without enough bone to support the implants, they are put at risk of failure and falling out. To protect your investment, Dr. Steven Van Scoyoc offers different treatment options, including the LAPIP® protocol.
LAPIP® for Dental Implants
LAPIP, or the Laser-Assisted Peri-Implantitis Procedure, is a minimally-invasive and patient-friendly laser solution to help heal failing implants. The protocol helps the implant re-integrate with the bone by eliminating infection in the gums and bone, and stabilizing the area. It also leaves the door open to future treatments, if needed. Dr. Van Scoyoc is Board Certified as a Diplomate of the American Board or Periodontology and has over eight years of experience placing over 600 dental implants. His knowledge and understanding of dental implants and the health of your smile help him achieve successful placements and treatments.
Causes of Peri-Implantitis
- Tooth Decay
- Gum Disease
- Trauma
- Teeth Grinding and Malocclusion